
ISO New England OASIS

Transmission Information and Services

for the Phase I/II HVDC-TF Intertie with Hydro-Québec

("Value-added" pages supported by ISO New England Inc.)

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An Overview of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF Facilities

The Phase I/II HVDC-TF is a 690/2,000 MW HVDC tie line in New England that is an interconnection to the Hydro-Québec Control Area in the Province of Québec.  This multi-terminal HVDC line has two termination points in New England (with paired operation with complementary facilities in Québec).  The specific facilities in New England are:

1.      Phase I: The Monroe HVDC Terminal, which interconnects Northern New Hampshire and the Des Cantons HVDC terminal of Hydro-Québec and,

2.      Phase II: The Sandy Pond HVDC Terminal, which interconnects Central Massachusetts and the Nicolet and/or Radisson HVDC terminals of Hydro-Québec.

Each termination facility (Phase I and Phase II) has the capability to either import or export energy between the two control areas, and thus each facility has a Total Transfer Capability (TTC) in both directions.  Note, however, that only one of the two facilities can be in service at a time.  ISO New England, Inc. is responsible for the derivation of the TTC for these facilities.  For imports into New England, the Nominal TTC is 690 MW for Phase I and 2,000 MW for Phase II.  In accordance with the Department of Energy permit to operate the Phase II facilities, depending upon system conditions in other control areas (particularly NYISO and PJM), the Phase II TTC for imports into New England could be assigned a value less than its Nominal TTC.

The Interconnection Rights Holders (IRH) are the entities that pay for and hold exclusive Use Rights to the transmission capacity of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.  Each IRH has a certain share of the rights to use, or make available for use by others, the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.  Posting of transmission service information on OASIS is required for "any public utility that owns, operates, or controls facilities used for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce."  The subset of IRH that are public utilities post their individual share of TTC for the facilities on the ISO New England OASIS node.  These IRH are referred to as Schedule 20A Service Providers and they provide Phase I/II HVDC-TF transmission service under Schedule 20A to Section II of the ISO Tariff.  The offerings of certain Schedule 20A Service Providers may also include the shares of other IRH (i.e., IRH that are not Schedule 20A Service Providers).  Each Schedule 20A Service Provider is also obligated to post Firm/non-Firm Available Transfer Capability (ATC) for its share of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF on its Transmission Provider Page (TPP) on the ISO OASIS.  ISO New England Inc. is not responsible for the posting of ATC for the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.


IRH Percentage Share and Transmission Service Offerings

The list of all IRH, including those that are Schedule 20A Service Providers, and their respective Phase I and Phase II Percentage Interest and Combined Percentage Interest MW share of the 2,000 MW Nominal Transfer Capability of the Phase II tie, is provided in an accompanying table.  This table is presented in three (3) sections: (A) the IRH that are Schedule 20A Service Providers offering service over the Phase I/II HVDC-TF pursuant to Schedule 20A to Section II of the ISO Tariff; (B) the IRH offering their share of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF through a Schedule 20A Service Provider listed in section (A); and (C) the IRH who are not currently offering their share of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.  Clicking on the highlighted Schedule 20A Service Provider will bring you directly to their TPP on the ISO OASIS website where an eligible customer can query and obtain Phase I/II HVDC-TF transmission services. You must acquire an advanced reservation for transmission service from a Schedule 20A Service Provider in order to move energy into or out of the New England Control Area over the Phase I/II HVDC-TF.

IRH Percentage Interest of Phase I/II HVDC-TF



Postings of Phase I/II HVDC-TF Total Transfer Capability (TTC)

This link will display the TTC values for the Phase I/II HVDC-TF as derived by ISO New England, Inc.  These TTC values reflect projections for the total facility and do not reflect each individual IRH’s share of the TTC (see ATC offerings below for offerings of individual IRH).  To view the TTC values for the Phase I/II HVDC-TF, click below.

View TTC for all HVDC ties between New England and Hydro-Québec (updated daily)


Postings of Phase I/II HVDC-TF Available Transfer Capability (ATC)

OATI's Reservation Summary will display a composite table showing the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) and the associated price for various categories of transmission service for each Schedule20A Service Provider offering Phase I/II HVDC-TF service.  To view a consolidated listing of the ATC postings of all Schedule 20A Service Providers, use the filters in the Reservation Summary for the desired category of Phase I/II HVDC-TF transmission service. 

ATC Methodology Document for the Phase I/II HVDC-TF


Obtaining Transmission Service from Hydro-Québec for Use of the Phase I/II Facilities within the Province of Québec

Customers wishing to move energy into or out of the Province of Québec over the Phase I/II facilities owned by Hydro-Québec must purchase electric energy transmission service under Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie’s Open Access Transmission Tariff. 

Visit the TransÉnergie OASIS site.

Transfer Agreement Information and Notification Form (for IRH Use Only)

An IRH may enter into a Transfer Agreement to transfer their Phase I and Phase II Percentage Interest to another entity.  If such a Transfer Agreement is entered into, the ISO must be notified.  The following link will display the Transfer Agreement Information and Notification Form (TA-1 Form) that must be completed and submitted to ISO New England in order for the ISO to recognize and process the transfer.  Additional information and requirements are listed on the TA-1 Form.  To view a copy of the TA-1 Form, click below.

Download the TA-1 Form

FERC ORDER 890 (IRH Items)


Additional information and requirements are listed on the individual providers' pages.  

Annually Re-evaluate CBM, Section 3.2

Conditional Firm Service

Designation of Network Resources

Energy and Generation Imbalances

Load Forecast

Make CBM Set Aside Non-firm Available, Section 3.2

NAESB Business Practices

Narratives Regarding ATC Changes - see TTC Change Log on ISONE OASIS Main Page

Planning Redispatch

TRM Methodology, Section 3.3

Transmission Studies {CEII procedures for disclosure of study data, Listing of studies performed, Posting of study performance metrics}



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