Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)

  Pending Business Practices (BPs) Common to all of WAPA's Regions
  (Posted for 5 business day notice period)

(Last Update: 04/22/2024, Posting of Pending Updated BP - Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form

The following are the currently proposed pending versions (posted for the 5 business day notice period) of the Business Practices (BPs) that are common and identical across all of WAPA's Regional Offices, which includes (DSW, RMR, SNR, and UGP).  The BPs apply to the NERC identified TSPs: CRCM, LAPT, WALC, WAPA, WASN.  Additional pending BPs specific only to an individual region/TSP are also posted on that TSP's OASIS under the "Business Practices" folder.

->Pending UPDATED BP (Version 04/06/2024) Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form (Posted 04/22/2024, Effective 04/30/2024) Note: No comments received on the Draft posting.

If you have any questions on the pending BP(s), please contact your specific WAPA Regional Contacts:
Note 1.  The UGP Region joined the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) as a transmission owner and transferred functional control of all of its eligible transmission facilities to SPP on October 1, 2015.  Transmission service and certain other services over those UGP Regional transmission facilities are available solely under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (SPP Tariff).  Ancillary services offered by the UGP Region as a Balancing Authority operator are also solely available under the SPP Tariff.  Therefore, certain WAPA BPs may not be currently applicable, or have limited applicability, in the UGP Region. 

Previous Pending Postings Archive (No longer posted for notification)