Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)

  Effective Business Practices (BPs) Common to all of WAPA's Regions

Last Update: 07/24/2024, Posting of updated Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form (Effective 07/24/2024)

The following are the currently effective versions of the Business Practices (BPs) that are common and identical across all of WAPA's Regional Offices, which includes (DSW, RMR, SNR, and UGP - See Note 1).  The BPs apply to the NERC identified TSPs: CRCM, LAPT, WALC, WAPA, WASN.  Additional BPs specific only to an individual Region/TSP are also posted on that TSP's OASIS under the "Business Practices" folder.

Note 1.  The UGP Region joined the Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP) as a transmission owner and transferred functional control of all of its eligible transmission facilities to SPP on October 1, 2015.  Transmission service and certain other services over those UGP Regional transmission facilities are available solely under the SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff (SPP Tariff).  Ancillary services offered by the UGP Region as a Balancing Authority operator are also solely available under the SPP Tariff.  Therefore, certain WAPA BPs may not be currently applicable, or have limited applicability, in the UGP Region.

Base Case Data BP (Order 845)
Behind the Meter Generation Policy

Business Practice Creation & Update Process
Conditional Firm Transmission Service

Contingent Facilities BP (Order 845)
Creditworthiness BP & Checklist
Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) Policy * 
Curtailments Business Practice 
Digital Signatures Business Practice 
Currently Allowed Digital Signature Methods
Effective Date of Gen Power Factor Reqmts under Order 827

General Requirements for Interconnection (GRI) 
Implementation Requirements under Order 842 Changes BP
Int Reqs Below Gen Fac Capacity BP (Order 845)
LGIA Option to Build Business Practice
Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS) * 
Network Upgrades Policy **  
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Form  (NEW -- Updated WAPA-Wide BP -- Effective 07/24/2024)
Option to Build BP (Order 845)
Planning Redispatch Service
Provisional Interconnection Service BP (Order 845)
Resale of Transmission Rights **
Right of First Refusal
Rollover Rights 
Rate Schedules MadePartOf Service Agreements **
Simultaneous Submission Window Processing
Surplus Interconnection Service BP (Order 845)
Transmission Outage Crediting Policy
Transmission Service Redirects
Transmission Timing Requirements **
TSR Annulment Business Practice
WAPA Meter Policy 
WAPA OATT - Attachment K Policy Statement

* These BPs outline submissions to be sent to "Regional Contact(s) as posted on OASIS".  Those specific WAPA Regional contact(s) are listed below, and transmittals should be sent to the contacts listed, as noted, for that specific Regional office.
**  This BP has limited applicability to WAPA's UGP Region, given its membership in SPP as noted above, and will not be applicable to certain services on the transmission facilities that UGP has transferred functional control of to SPP, and for which such service is offered under the SPP Tariff.

Any questions/submissions can be directed to your specific
WAPA Regional Contacts.

Previous Updates:

December 14, 2021, Posting of new Order 845 Implementation Related BPs (Effective 12/15/2021)
August 3, 2021, Posting of EA/EIS Clause updates on OATT Documents page, and new Digital Signatures BP (Effective 07/27/2021)
February 22, 2021, Posting of Updated "CEII Policy" and "NDA Form" BPs (Effective 02/23/2021)
January 25, 2021, Posting of Updated "Transmission Timing Requirements" BP (Effective 01/26/2021)
February 27, 2020, Posting of New "Implementation Requirements under Order 842 Changes" BP (Effective 03/05/2020)
February 11, 2020, Posting of New "Effective Date of Gen Power Factor Reqmts under Order 827" BP (Effective 02/11/2020)
June 3, 2019, Posting of Updated Transmission Resales BP, New WAPA-wide Timing Requirements BP, and New Rate Schedules MadePartOf Service Agreements BP (Effective 06/03/2019)
July 20, 2018, Posting of Updated WAPA Meter Policy (Effective 07/20/2018)
May 1, 2018, Posting of Updated Network Service BP (Effective 05/01/2018)
February 22, 2018, Posting of Updated Network Upgrades Policy BP
July 25, 2017, Posting of Updated Behind the Meter (BTM) Generation and General Requirements for Interconnection (GRI) BPs
January 9, 2017, Posting of Updated TSR Annulments BP
June 23, 2016, General updates to Logo, Regional contact information, etc.
January 1, 2016, Posting of New Curtailments BP