
04/30/2024: The following document is intended to provide more transparency to our customers on potential future ATC field work. ATC will adjust dates to maintain system reliability and resiliency based on expected system conditions.
2024 WorkPlan Schedule - Update 04/29/24

03/25/2022: ATC will be revising the seasonal ratings of the Neevin-Butte Des Morts 138-kV line. The revised ratings are planned to be effective on April 6, 2022. ATC has a planned transmission project to improve the line ratings slated for late 2023.
Previous Ratings:
Spring Normal / Emergency: 1412 Amps / 1529 Amps
Summer Normal / Emergency: 1225 Amps / 1389 Amps
Fall Normal / Emergency: 1412 Amps / 1549 Amps
Winter Normal / Emergency: 1594 Amps / 1708 Amps

Revised Ratings:
Spring Normal / Emergency: 1106 Amps / 1459 Amps
Summer Normal / Emergency: 1030 Amps / 1402 Amps
Fall Normal / Emergency: 1145 Amps / 1468 Amps
Winter Normal / Emergency: 1221 Amps / 1524 Amps

09/02/15: ATC will be revising the seasonal emergency ratings of the Pleasant Prairie-Zion Energy Center 345-kV line. The revised ratings are anticipated to be effective by 12:00 noon (CST) on Friday, September 4, 2015.
Previous Emergency Ratings: 2554A summer, 2700A fall, 2806A winter, and 2666A spring
Revised Emergency Ratings: 2705A summer, 2834A fall, 2932A winter, and 2810A spring

04/07/15: ATC has posted facility ratings information for the Butler-Granville 138kV Line Uprate, scheduled to be in-service date on April 29, 2015, in the attachment.

03/06/14: ATC is currently using transitional ratings for Columbia – Portage 138 kV lines (X-13 & X-20). However, completion of the Cardinal – Bluffs 345 kV project with an in-service date of 12/31/2020 will end the application of the transitional ratings on those lines.

10/23/13: The new Pleasant Prairie to Zion Energy Center (PLPL41) 345 kV project has a revised ISD of 12/06/2013.

8/27/13: The new Pleasant Prairie to Zion Energy Center (PLPL41) 345 kV project has a revised ISD of 12/31/2013.

7/2/13: ATC Compliance with Order No. 1000 Planning Requirements

Attached for your review are draft tariff changes to our local planning process in Attachment FF – ATCLLC and the presentation for next week’s webinar to discuss ATC’s compliance with the FERC Order No. 1000 planning requirements. These changes to our tariff provide for the consideration of transmission needs driven by public policy requirements in our local planning processes in response to FERC’s March 22, 2013 order on compliance. We look forward to your participation in the webinar on July 9 at 11:00 a.m. (CST).

7/1/13: The new Pleasant Prairie to Zion Energy Center (PLPL41) 345 kV project has an expected ISD of 9/30/2013.

6/26/13: Table 1 related to ATC's Study Based Ratings Methodology (SBRM) and transitional ratings referenced in the 7/20/12 posting, have been updated.

6/12/13: Table 1 and Table 2 related to ATC's Study Based Ratings Methodology (SBRM) and transitional ratings referenced in the 7/20/12 posting, have been updated.

5/15/13: The tables related to ATC’s Study Based Ratings Methodology (SBRM) and transitional ratings referenced in the 4/15/13 & 7/20/12 postings, have recently been updated.

4/15/13: Study-Based Ratings (SBR) apply to overhead conductors and not to transformer ratings. However, in some instances applying SBR to jumper conductors that connect transformers to buses would result in the jumper conductors having a lower rating than the transformer which would result in an overall lower rating for the transformer circuit. The transformer circuits that would have lower ratings as a result of SBR were studied to determine if the lower rating would have a reliability or economic impact on the transmission system. These transformer circuits will have lower ratings starting June 1, 2013:

Table 4 shows the transformer circuits that were determined to need transitional ratings. All of these transformer circuits will maintain the same legacy ratings after June 1, 2013 that they have today until projects are completed to increase the rating of the jumpers to at least the current amp and MVA ratings with SBR applied.

Table 5 shows the transformer circuits that were determined to have enough extra capacity such that lower ratings due to SBR would not impact the reliability or economic performance of the transmission system.

Table 6 the majority of ATC transformer circuits will not be impacted by SBR as shown in Table 6.

For additional information or questions on this topic, please contact Jeff Schraufnagel, Manager of System Operations Support, at or at (262) 506-6782.

9/21/12: ATC Compliance with Order No. 1000 Planning Requirements

Attached for your review are draft tariff changes to our local planning process in Attachment FF – ATCLLC and the presentation for next week’s webinar to discuss ATC’s compliance with the FERC Order No. 1000 planning requirements. These changes to our tariff provide for the consideration of transmission needs driven by public policy requirements in our local planning processes. We look forward to your participation in the webinar on Sept. 28 at 11:00 a.m. (CST).

8/22/12: ATC is planning a research project based on real-time and predicted line ratings of a transmission line. Please reference the folloing link: ATC Research Project

7/20/12: Please find ATC’s list of transmission facilities with the implementation of Study Based Ratings Methodology (SBRM) & transitional ratings starting June 1, 2013 via the links below:

Table 1 includes the list of transmission facilities within the ATC footprint that will have transitional ratings starting June 1, 2013. Additionally, the list includes the mitigation projects that when completed will initiate the change to study based ratings for the transmission facility listed. Note that the list of transitional ratings and mitigation projects are subject to change based on further analysis.

Table 2 includes the list of transmission facilities within the ATC footprint that are planned to be transitioned to the Study Based Ratings Methodology starting June 1, 2013.

Table 3 includes the list of non-bulk electric system facilities (<100kV) that will continue to operate at the pre Study Based Ratings Methodology (SBRM) ratings until they are reviewed and the study based ratings methodology is applied. This transition will occur approximately over the next 5 years.

All expected future ATC Study Based Ratings and transitional ratings have been submitted to MISO’s Model on Demand (MOD) process. Also, the mitigation projects to end the transitional ratings pertaining to the identified transmission facilities that were impacted as a result of the Study Based Ratings methodology have been submitted to MISO’s Model on Demand (MOD) and MISO’s Transmission Expansion Planning process (MTEP).

For additional information or questions on this topic, please contact Jeff Schraufnagel, Manager of System Operations Support, at or at (262) 506-6782.

7/11/12: On July 13, 2012, ATC is planning to activate a new Special Protection System (SPS) in southeast Wisconsin that affects the operation of certain parts of its 138 kV and 345 kV transmission lines under certain pre and post-contingent scenarios. The SPS will increase system reliability while increasing operating parameters. Details of the SPS are considered Critical Energy Infrastructure Information protected by federal law. Please contact MISO’s client relations team at 866-296-6476 or to request access to this information.

3/26/12: Following the ATC web-conference on Monday, March 12, 2012, regarding our plan to implement a change in rating methodology, please view the link below to see answers provided for the stakeholders' questions asked both during and following the web-conference.

SBRM Implementation Customer Presentation with Q&A

For additional information or questions on this topic, please contact Jeff Schraufnagel, Manager of Interconnection Services, at or at (262) 506-6782.

3/26/12: In the summer of 2012, ATC is planning to install a Special Protection System (SPS) in southeast Wisconsin. The SPS will increase the ability of the system to export power from the ATC footprint to the south. Details of the planned SPS are considered Critical Energy Infrastructure Information protected by federal law. Please contact MISO’s client relations team at (866) 296-6476 or at to request access to this information in a secure manner.

3/09/12: ATC has posted the presentation that will be shared on Monday, March 12, 2012, regarding our plan to implement a change in rating methodology.

2/27/12: ATC will host a web-conference from 2:00-3:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday, March 12, 2012, to present to customers our plan to implement a change in rating methodology.

When ATC was formed in 2001, ATC adopted the founding companies’ legacy rating methodology. Together with EPRI, ATC conducted a weather parameter study resulting in the development of a study-based rating methodology. ATC is implementing the new rating methodology, starting in 2012, and will present important information regarding this change.

The presentation will be posted to this website on Friday, March 9, 2012. Please hold your questions and concerns for the web-conference. Participant information is listed below for your reference.

Call-in Number: 888-285-4585
Access Code: 985514

Web Meeting:
Meeting Number: 8882854585
Access Code: 985514

We look forward to your participation.

9/14/11: Update regarding Granville – Butler 138 kV line congestion mitigation: Additional work will be required to allow the proposed line ratings shared in the 5/26/11 posting below. The original completion estimates of the end of 2011 or early 2012 are still valid.

5/26/11: The following information is available regarding Granville – Butler 138 kV line congestion mitigation. ATC continues to observe increasing congestion on Granville-Butler 138 kV line in Southeast Wisconsin. To help reduce it, ATC is pursuing short-term upgrades involving terminal equipment at Butler and Tosa substations to allow Granville-Butler and Granville-Tosa 138 kV lines to operate at their full capability. The schedule and in-service dates are under development, and will be posted when available, but most likely these projects will be completed by the end of 2011 or early 2012.

Granville – Butler 138 kV line (3453)
Existing Ratings (MVA): 293 SN/339 SE/377 WN/406 WE
Proposed Ratings (MVA): 293 SN/403 SE/381 WN/461 WE

Granville-Tosa 138 kV line (3443)
Existing Ratings (MVA): 287 SN/287 SE/287 WN/287 WE
Proposed Ratings (MVA): 293 SN/403 SE/381 WN/461 WE

Please contact Jamal Khudai in ATC Planning at or by phone at (262) 506-6166 if you have any questions.

11/08/10: As a result of detailed engineering analysis, there has been a change to the Pleasant Prairie-Zion (#2221) 345 kV Line Congestion Relief Projects cost due to scope increase. However, there is no change to the economic benefits metrics posted on 10/14. The revised cost estimate and the summary of benefits are available by accessing the link below.

Project Cost Update , 11/8/10

10/15/10: In addition to the information provided on 10/01/10, the economic benefits metrics for the Pleasant Prairie-Zion (#2221) 345 kV Line Congestion Relief Projects are available by accessing the link below.

Economic Benefits Metrics for the listed projects, 10/14/10

Please contact Jamal Khudai in ATC planning at jkhudai@atcllc or by phone at (262) 506-6166 if you have any questions.

10/01/10: The following information is available regarding Pleasant Prairie-Zion (#2221) 345 kV Line Congestion Relief Projects. ATC currently is conducting necessary planning and engineering work on following projects to address congestion on the Pleasant Prairie-Zion 345-kV line which is a tie line between Illinois and Wisconsin: replace wave trap at Zion Substation, replace jumper at Zion Substation, and update ratings based on the LIDAR survey. Please note that Zion Substation in owned by ComEd in Illinois, and ATC has been coordinating this work with ComEd. These projects are tentatively planned to be completed by March 2011. In addition, ATC will continue to provide status and resulting ratings changes to MISO for the relevant models and studies. Please contact Jamal Khudai in ATC planning at jkhudai@atcllc or by phone at (262) 506-6166 if you have any questions.

7/20/10: ATC is continuing to finalize studies of the ATC Energy Collaborative – Michigan. ATC is hosting discussions of final design parameters Flow Control solutions in the east UP and mitigation options for contingency low voltage events in the central UP. ATC has already begun meeting with customers, including We Energies on July 20, 2010. To request discussion documents or to request a meeting with ATC on this matter, please contact Mike Burow in ATC Customer Relations at mburow@atcllc or by phone at (262)506-6793.

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 3/16/10

ATC Futures - ATC Energy Collaborative - Michigan, February 8, 2010 (Stakeholder Comment Draft) (High Retirement Version 2(Rev 1.0)
Feedback request form, February 10, 2010

Long Term Access Goal Update, 12/22/09

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 9/15/09 [updated 9/16/09]

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 6/8/09

4/23/09: An interconnected customer has received from ATC transmission line outage statistics specific to five transmission lines in our footprint. If you believe you have a business reason for receiving this confidential information, please contact Doug Johnson at 262-506-6863.

DRAFT G833/G834 J022/J023 Interim Operation and Impacts Report, 4/16/09

Integration of Renewable Energy in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, presentation to the Michigan Wind Energy Resource Zone Board on March 30, 2009 (posted 3/27/09)

3/23/09: An interconnected customer has received from ATC transmission line outage statistics specific to four transmission lines in our footprint. If you believe you have a business reason for receiving this confidential information, please contact Doug Johnson at 262-506-6863.

Long Term Access Goal Update, 2/26/09
Long Term Access Goal Update [Extended], 2/26/09

Techniques in Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Transmission: Case Study Using the Paddock-Rockdale Transmission Project, 1/23/09

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 1/9/09

An interconnected customer has received from ATC transmission line outage statistics specific to two transmission lines in our footprint. If you believe you have a business reason for receiving this confidential information, please contact Doug Johnson at 262-506-6863.

G833/G834 Interim Operation and Impacts Report, 12/30/08

ATC Futures (Text View), 10/29/08
ATC Upper Michigan Energy Collaborative Futures, 10/29/08
ATC Futures - ATC Energy Collaborative - Michigan, 10/29/08

2009 10-Year Assessment Initial Stakeholder Meeting, 10/16/08
ATC Futures Matrix, 10/16/08
ATC Futures – Summary Descriptions and Voting Block, 10/16/08

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 9/17/08

On September 9 ATC provided draft data related to future load interconnection capability potential based on interpolating 10-Year Assessment data. Should any party desire a copy of this data, please contact Doug Johnson at 262-506-6863.

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 9/8/08

Update on the Presque Isle RATS implementation, 7/17/08

7/2/08: In response to a question from a marketing employee of an Energy Affiliate, ATC yesterday provided the following information:
The ReliabilityFirst Corporation (RFC) performed an assessment of incremental transfer capability between regions of the Eastern Interconnection for the summer of 2011. This assessment identified a potential constraint on the Pleasant Prairie to Zion 345-kV line ATC-ComEd tie line for ATC exports to Northern Illinois. The limiting component is noted as a wave trap on the transmission line, which might be resolved by an inexpensive project. ATC communicated that replacing the wave trap might increase the line rating from 973 MVA summer normal and 1069 MVA summer emergency rating to 1096 MVA summer normal/emergency rating.

For an intact system condition, the net change in the Pleasant Prairie to Zion 345-kV line rating with the removal of the wave trap limit would be 123 MVA (1096 MVA – 973 MVA). The increase in Normal Incremental Transfer Capability (NITC) would be +369 MW based on an ATC export to Northern Illinois transfer distribution factor of 33.3%. This would increase NITC to approximately 1,700 MW.

Under contingency conditions, the net change in the Pleasant Prairie to Zion 345-kV line rating with the remove of the wave trap limit would be 27 MVA (1096 MVA – 1069 MVA). The increase in First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability (FCITC) would be +79 MW based on an ATC export to Northern Illinois transfer distribution factor of 34.0%. This would increase FCITC to approximately 1,400 MW.

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 6/24/08

Western Interface Information from 2007, 5/16/08

ATC Energy Collaborative -- Michigan Strategic Analysis Approach, 5/16/08

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 3/11/08

In keeping with its outreach efforts on long-range planning, ATC will host an Economic Project Planning meeting for customers and stakeholders on Thursday, February 21 from 9:30am until Noon at MRA conference center near ATC’s Pewaukee office. The meeting will examine the historical performance of highly constrained elements of the electric system and their impacts on the delivered cost of electricity. This evaluation will help ATC identify a set of economic system needs and potential solutions. A map to the conference center and the meeting agenda are attached to this message. Please note that a teleconference option will be available for this meeting and lunch will be provided.

The precursor to this Economic Project Planning meeting was ATC’s Access Initiative. The original purpose of the Access Initiative was to examine an interstate transmission line connection between Wisconsin and the Midwest Region with customer and stakeholder input. ATC’s Access Initiative culminated in 2005 with a decision to pursue regulatory approvals for the Paddock-Rockdale project, now pending before the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. The Initiative has now evolved to a broader analysis of future economic constraints and potential solutions.

Additional information about this meeting and the economic planning process including meeting notices, minutes, analyses and updates will be made available on ATC’s 10-Year Assessment website and on the OASIS.

Please indicate your participation in person or by phone by replying to Terry Peterson no later than end of day Friday, February 15.

ATC looks forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 12/7/07

Point Beach 345 kV and 19 kV Worst Case Dynamic Voltage Recovery, Revised 10/5/07

Draft ATCLLC Attachment K proposal, 9/14/07 [draft revised 10/9/07 and 11/28/07]

Presque Isle Special Protection System “Remedial Action Tripping Scheme” (RATS) report Third Version, 12/17/07

2006 Load Duration Curve for ATC footprint, 8/22/07; [Excel version with underlying data, posted 9/4/07]

Weston 4 Generator Interim System Stability Study Report, 8/8/07

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 7/16/07

ATC Presentation at FERC Order No. 890 Compliance Technical Conference, 6/29/07

ATC Proposal for Compliance with Planning Principles Adopted by Final Rule FERC Order No. 890  5/29/07

Memo to We Energies re: Presque Isle RATS study results, 3/29/07

Preliminary 2007 RATS Study Presentation, 3/21/07

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 3/16/07

Preliminary 2007 RATS Study Results, 3/1/07

Northern Umbrella Plan Update, 12/14/06

Northern Umbrella Plan Projects, 9/13/06

Northern Umbrella Plan Projects Update, 6/6/06

Results of Market Transition Deliverability Test - August 2005 (Released publicly March 2006), 3/27/06
Approximate Geographic Locations of MTDT Constraints (August 2005), 3/27/06

Northern Umbrella Plan Projects, 2/21/06

Supplemental Study - Cost Analysis of Mill Road - Rockdale 345 kV delay
Study Summary Mill Road – Rockdale 345 kV Line Delay, 1/25/06
Unit Cost Analysis, 1/25/06

Projected Flow South (Wisconsin-U.P. Transfer) Limits, 2006-2009/2014, 1/25/06

Northern Umbrella Plan Projects Update, 11/11/05

Northern Umbrella Plan, Michigan PSC Update, 10/13/05

Ten Year Assessment website, 9/27/05

Arrowhead-Weston PST Overview, posted 9/2/05

Jefferson-Waukesha-Washington-Dodge County Energy Initiative historical data graphs, posted 8/11/05

Graph of cost per MW of new generation in ATCLLC territory, posted 4/21/05

Generator Validation Study for Sheboygan Falls Energy Center, posted 3/10/05

Northern Umbrella Plan Phase 1 Projects -- Impacts on U.P. Export Capability, posted 11/9/04

Preliminary LOLE results for the Upper Peninsula and Northeast Wisconsin, updated 10/21/04
Analysis of Presque Isle 1 and 2 as “Cold Stand-by” Units

White Pine Mine Study, posted 3/12/04

Wien-Stratford-McMillan Reconductor Discussion with MEWD, posted 3/12/04

Presque Isle Power System Stabilizer Report, posted 3/9/04

Flow South Tabulated Study Results - 02/10/04
Diagrams Associated With Flow South Study Results - 02/10/04
PowerWorld FilesOne and Two

Madison Area Studies Preliminary Report -- Power Flow and Voltage Stability Analyses, posted 2/9/04

Ad Hoc 2004 Summer Sensitivity Study of Wisconsin CA-to-CA transfer capabilities 2/3/2004

Summary Description of Weston G4 Output, posted 8/12/03

Potential redispatch pairs to alleviate Lore-Turkey River-Cassville 161 kV FLO Wempletown-Paddock 345 kV + 69 kV operating steps, posted 4/03

ATC will provide certain base case information relating to Stability and Fault Duty Studies in order to permit those seeking to interconnection generation to ATC's System to perform their own analyses. Copies of the base cases (as they exist at the time the request is made, and with the information then available) can be received provided the party requesting the base case information agrees to execute a confidentality agreement and agrees to keep the base case data confidential. The form of the confidentiality agreement is attached. Because the information provided could be viewed as potential critical energy infrastructure information (CEII), ATC requests that the party requesting the information provide the following information concerning their request and the organization that they are associated with:
1. Name
2. Title
3. Telephone and facsimile numbers
4. Company name
5. DUNS or employer Identification number
6. reason for requesting the information
When a request is made, a representative of ATC will contact you to discuss the request, and to gain further information concerning the request, if necessary.
Agreement Template
